Brothel Etiquettes: A Guide for First Time Visitors

Visiting a brothel house for the first time has mixed feelings of nervousness and excitement. Going through these reasons lots of people are not able to enjoy the real fun of visiting a brothel according to their expectations.

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If you are also visiting a brothel for the first time, then below are some things which you should keep in concern.

  1. Don’t be nervous or excited: As mentioned-above lots of people either get nervous or excited with an idea of going to a brothel house. Well, you need not have to be like this, just consider it as a place for fun and be normal. You will find a friendly atmosphere inside the brothel house, the courtesans will make you feel relaxed and never let you feel like a stranger.
  2. How you should approach inside the brothel house?: The brothel houses of today’s generation are not less a luxurious hotel. You will find good space for parking your vehicle, after which you should move towards the gate, where you will find a doorbell ring it and you will receive a warm welcome by the brothel staff.
  3. Welcome drink: After coming inside the house you will be offered a welcome drink at the reception where you should sit and relax. You can also view the video of the services offered by the courtesans working in a particular brothel house.
  4. Selecting the lady of your choice: Once you have finished your drink, the girls working in the brothel house will come in a row and stand in front of you, thus offering you the freedom to select any of them according to time you wish to spend in a brothel house.
  5. Ask you to take shower: Whatever type of service you are willing to enjoy whether oral sex or a girlfriend experience or any other service, you will be asked to take a shower. The timing of the service hired by you will start after completion of the shower. The main objective of taking a shower is to make you relaxed.
  6. How to enjoy extra service or extend the service timing?: If you wish to enjoy extra service or extend the timing of your service, then you need to request for this to the girl in the room. The decision of extending the service timing or offering additional service mainly depends on the discreet of the girl. If she agrees then you will have to pay extra money for the service acquired by you. In case if you want to acquire the same service from another worker after refusal by the first girl, then also you will have to pay additional money for the service.
  7. Do not hesitate: It is seen that sometimes in hesitation or ego problem the first time visitors hesitate and telling the fact to the courtesan. If you are also not comfortable or hesitating in enjoying the service acquired by you, do tell your lady about this and give her a chance to take the charge. With her knowledge and experience, she will make you feel comfortable and help you in satisfying your sexual fantasies according to your expectations.

These are some etiquettes which you should follow inside the brothel house.

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